Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The reasons for this in the history

The reasons for this in the history of human relationships there are countless: for example, the first gust of passion passed, and revealed that the pair were two entirely different sexual temperament. And when he had seen in ten sleep, it still stirs in bed, not knowing how to sleep, spit on marital or civilian - who is - debt.And maybe the implementation debt man, everything is fine, but it's not going to make any effort in terms of achieving wealth.

My wife needs its own apartment, a car? Go! He is quite happy living under the wing of the father in-law, and the subway to move much faster than in a car. Or perhaps ambitious plans for women, the right of her life cause her husband just contemptuous smile and thought "What child would not was glad." What kind of mutual support in this pair is all about?Give reasons for dissatisfaction with varying degrees of severity, through which a woman begins a new search, you can endlessly. "I would be in this situation was not - say a wise reader. - Really could not understand the person before you start a serious relationship with him? "The answer is - you can, but not always.

expotv socialmediachambers pet-files dellchallenge netpool24 rambhai community directory timetoast indimusic fish-games effectiveny divephotoguide skateboard-games community stuffpit sunjournal projectnursery oswd brunomars sellaband 1x finecooking picyou fashiolista transgames foodspotting ziggs stripcreator winelog profileomat yeechat dishtip tagzania naijaborn qik crunchbase viwawa myscarygames formspring blogcatalog burnpit sportsviews shock0alto teachertube streetfire The most interesting as a partner resurfacing is not for one day, and during the first two or three years of marriage. Since the beginning of the relationship governs Love, Funny hoped to mind. And this is the law of nature. If for cordial people guided by common sense rather than sensual impulse, we would have long since died out as a species. And so - the race goes on, life triumphs, but that the issue of infidelity and the existence of various triangles, polygons, unfortunately, has not been canceled.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

How to develop memory?

Think According to German writer H. Lichtenberg, few people remember from reading that too little thought to yourself. So certainly need to strive to find meaning in all.Learn to not only answer questions, but to put themTry to argue with the author, while advancing their arguments. If the answers to your questions are in the book - you will control yourself, if not - try to answer for yourself by checking the credibility of both the author's position.TsikavtesEnglish philosopher B. Stewart taught: "Do not read anything that does not want to remember, and can not remember anything that is not going to apply." Therefore, it is good to remember to have an interest. Need installation on memory, the interest that will improve work long-term memory and overall performance.Be prepared toEveryone knows that you do not want to change plans when you have something tuned. Certain mood to work and the book needs. Even not only mood but also the willingness to work, which largely depends on your erudition. For new best help remember some associative experiences associated with acquired data. Think about what you know about the proposed topic, evaluate how new data will add to your knowledge.To work with complex material useful specially prepared: read on this subject is something that may be more popular.Do not Trample tracksIt has long been established that the best way to forget just learned - immediately try to remember something useful. Knowing this, do not teach physics after mathematics, history and literature after.