Tuesday, 11 June 2013

How to monitor posture?

Always a need to properly monitor. In particular, this applies to those cases where it is necessary to monitor posture. Observe the correct posture to everyone and fix everything goes back to normal. But not everyone knows how to follow a bearing. Indeed, how to trace a bearing? In fact, this is no big deal, just need to have some information. Thus, the posture called the situation in which you always keep your body.

Watching the bearing, you can even judge the health of man. When we have a bad mood or something hurts, we start to slouch and horbytsya, in general, keep your posture is not correct. People with good posture body always behaves correctly. Therefore, care must be taken not only of how you hold back, but also by their movements. Only when you move smoothly and automatically keep your back straight and follow this no longer necessary, you really have good posture. In normal, everyday life, have good posture is not too difficult. Difficult to restore posture after birth. This is what we now talk. Indeed, the effects of childbirth may lead to the fact that the structure of the joints may begin to change and arthritis. So you can protect yourself from this, you need to know about how pregnancy and childbirth affect your posture and how you can avoid problems with joints and spine.

Firstly, it is worth noting that during pregnancy, the posture affects a number of different factors. This, of course, resize the abdomen, weight gain and softening of ligaments. Gradually, the emphasis shifted and, therefore, the woman rests her chin on his chest, because the distance between the vertebrae in the lumbar spine increased and is rounded upper back. If after delivery you notice that posture has not changed for the better and you continue to keep your back properly, then you need to do yourself and correct your posture. To do this, do simple exercises to help align your back and bring back to normal posture. It is not difficult to do, just need to do exercises constantly and do not forget to look after themselves. So, to begin stand near the mirror so that you could see the whole length. Also, you can ask your husband or someone from the friends you follow. Now you need to straighten to be so high as possible. Must be feeling as if someone took your hair at the top and pull you up. After that, you need to pull your buttocks and at the same time, pull your stomach. Now deviate back and feel that pubic bone moved forward and upward. In conclusion we need to raise the chest as high as possible on the edges. Put your feet so that the distance between them was about thirty centimeters. Then to transfer the weight of your body on the outside of the foot. However, the knee should be relaxed, and arms hang relaxed along your body. Breathing should be calm. Do not allow yourself to breathe frequently and abruptly. You need to breathe slowly and deeply, like breathing in your natural rhythm of life.

You should feel your new posture. That it is right and necessary. Of course, first she is sure you will find some strange and unnatural. Do not think about it. Simply, you are unaccustomed to normal posture, and that's why you think you feel strange. Better look in the mirror and ask your friends. They certainly tell you that you have to look much better your posture had improved and you need to go so ever. So, once you feel that you keep your back properly again, repeat these simple exercises for straightening the back and, eventually, you will not have to follow a bearing, so that you will always keep themselves properly. Also, you can use the measurement method itself centimeter. Dl this, wrap the tape around the widest part of the abdomen. Then, lift the chest, straighten, adjust the buttocks and measure yourself again. Your volume will decrease by five to ten centimeters.

  • This is a very good motivation in order to constantly monitor their posture and do not allow yourself to relax. Remember that you need to follow the posture every day. To ties are back to normal, you need to be careful with my back and not overtax the spine. Also, care should be taken not only in the way you walk, but the way in which you sit. First, the chair should be such a high back that you had a good support. The back of the chair should be tight, and seats deep enough. For a more comfortable seat can be placed back under a special pillow. Now let's talk about how to lie down and get up from bed. Going up, never come back and bent, while pushing your knees. First you need to stretch the abdominal muscles, then bend your knees and perekyntesya on the side. After this, push hands and sit on the edge, dropping both feet on the floor. When you go to bed, do the same movement, only in reverse. When lying, be careful not to spin has been distorted to the right or left side. Never sleep on the beds too soft. If you like to sleep on your back, Put a pillow under the legs to the spine not prohynavsya.

By the way, remember that it is useful to at least occasionally lying on his chest. In this case, you need to put a pillow under your stomach and groin. If you lie on your chest hurt Put a pillow under your head and shoulders. Pursuing any household chores, and be careful not to twist your body in different directions. Always try to keep your back straight and do not allow yourself to take positions that seem to be more comfortable, but at the same time, the spine is curved. If you do so, your posture will be beautiful and spine - strong and smooth.

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